Okay so this isn't exactly Shakespeare in Love, but it's a love story nonetheless. And it involves Shakespeare! Seriously though when we first met Anna and Mike, they told us one of the coolest love stories we've heard yet. Since they're both actors, no one would be surprised to hear that, even before they met each other, they had many similar experiences because of their shared love for the theater. However, one experience they had in common makes it hard to not think they were destined to be together. These two met, of all places, in the theater when they were cast opposite each other in a play. At some point after they had gotten to know each other, one of them mentioned that they had been fortunate enough to see a play performed at the Globe Theatre in London. As it turns out, they had both been fortunate enough to see a play at the Globe - a once in a lifetime experience for most people. As their conversation continued, things started to get real crazy. Not only had they both seen A Midsummer Night's Dream, but in the middle of each of their plays, since the Globe is an open air theater, a pigeon landed on stage at one point and began to follow the actors around. It was just starting to get distracting when one of the actors suddenly went into a bit of improve with the pigeon, all while staying in his Shakespearean character. After cross referencing their dates, Anna and Mike realized the unbelievable: they had attended the exact same show. Before they knew each other. On the other side of the world. They sat seats apart from each other. You can't write that kind of romance! Anna and Mike got married at the Mackey House and it was such a blast to be a part of their wedding day. Not only that, but they are also fantastic writers. We knew their vows were going to end up being at the heart of their video. We hope you enjoy it!